PAUL  SHAVER: 11/04/18
          103 LB DOE

This is the 1st deer Paul ever shot on the ground with his bow
while still hunting. He spotted the deer before she saw him.
After working the wind as best he could he kept getting closer
and closer. Never walking directly toward her but always
ranging her and always getting closer. Before Paul took the
shot she had been looking his way but he didn't think he was

Paul ranged her at 41 yards and said to himself "I can do this",
"It's just like a 40 yard target, put it on and pull through". When
the bow went off the doe whorled around facing Paul and the
reaction of the doe showed hit. She ran off and Paul knew
where she was going. He waited and then went over to where
she was standing. He could find no blood, no hair and no arrow.
He looked and looked and there was nothing. So even though
she showed hit Paul assumed he missed and just couldn't find
his arrow. To be safe he decided to walk where he thought she
went eventually cutting across the corner of a field. After
looking all that way, Paul was sure he missed and in the corner
of the field he looked down and saw blood. He couldn't believe
it was his deer but followed it anyway. Sure enough, it was his
doe. She had taken the arrow in the neck with the broadhead
catching the heart, lungs and liver. In all the years of trying to
harvest a deer by sneaking on it, Paul was finally successful.