BRAD CARNEY: 10/05/18
          8 Point BUCK

Many of our Creekwood customers remember Brad as a young Brockport College student at Brockport.
student who worked at Creekwood or remember him from shooting well in our 420 Pro/Am, but I'll
tell you the way I remember him. I think of Brad as a guy with a plan, and then he works the plan. We
don't get to see him much other than on Facebook, but I don't need to look him in the eye to absolutely
know he is doing great. It kind of looks like he has a new hunting partner, his bride Mileydis Carney.

Family is big for Brad and he has that down pat 100%. I don't know the story of his hunt this year, but if
pictures say a 1,000 words, you know the story of his hunt.