BOB  BRIAN: 10/03/18
          5 Point BUCK

For some reason Bob wasn't in our Deer Contest this year so that makes
 this a Wood'a-Could'a-Should'a buck. But I'll tell you what this is a buck
taken by a serious shooter. Bob has shot at Creekwood for years and has
done real well for himself, both in the woods and in competition indoors
and outdoors.
Bob was hunting in his regular spot down by the parkway, near where he
. When he shot the buck, he waited the appropriate amount of time
and when he started on the blood trail the buck was heading toward the
swamp. Bob decided in case the buck wasn't taking a dirt nap he would
back out and come back later which he did. He took most of his hunting
stuff back home, and when returned to retrieve his buck it was not much
further than were he decided to back out.


Click  2017  to see Bob last year.