Jason Graybill: 10/14/16
          169 1/2 LB
          6 Point 82 4/8" BUCK

I've been writing these little stories for 22 years about our
customers success bow hunting, but I don't ever think you
have read one like this. Jason's son Landen is 6 years old
and this kid is really something. While I was scoring his
dad's buck I called him youngster and he said, "Please
don't call me that". I said what do you want me to call you?
He said, it doesn't matter, I just don't like youngster. Before
we got through scoring the rack I found out Landon has
taken a Doe, 2 Hogs, a Emu and a Ram. I said with a bow?
Landon said, no a 30ott6. Here is the Ram Landon took with
his rifle.

His dad is going to send me more pictures of Landon's
game he has taken. Jason takes him everywhere.
Landen has been hunting with his dad since he was
3 years old. What a lucky kid (not youngster).

Well let's get to Jason's buck. He was bow hunting in Sweden,
using a Rage broadhead. His shot was 5 yards and his buck
went 300 to 400 yards.

He watched the buck for about 10 minutes before he got the
shot. He saw a buck running does and one doe allowed the
buck to mount her, but when he did she kicked him off. That
tells me, that doe was coming into season. A doe will drip for
three days before she will stand for a buck to be bread.

Jason is no rookie. He guessed the weight of the buck at
170 pounds. He hunts all over the country with his friend Tom
Behage, who is no stranger to Creekwood Archery's Deer
Contest. Jason took the buck at 5:46 pm. The rack was very
symmetrical. 35 & 0/8" on the left side and 34 & 7/8" on the
right side. As you can see there is another point but it was
only 7/8" long. The point kind of looked like an acorn. Do you
wonder if it was diet related.