PAUL SHAVER: 10/31/14
          148 1/2 LB
          8 Point 83 0/8" BUCK

Paul has seen 11 different bucks while bowhunting this year. He was hunting with his friend Ray Glover down in Randolph, NY when he took this nice 8 pointer. He was shooting a Wackem Titan broadhead and the shot was 12 yards. Up close and personal.

He was standing up at full draw ready to shoot, and the buck turned and moved. Paul remained at full draw and crouched down getting ready to shoot. The buck moved again and Paul stood back up and took the shot. Most archers would have had a hard time pulling this off, but because Paul shoots so much, year around, he could have probably gone twice as long as he did at full draw. The fact he shoots an Elite bow and is holding very little poundage at full draw, really helps also.

He got a pass thru shot but wasn't really happy with the hit. After a half hour or so he got down, looked at his arrow and decided he would get back in his stand and wait a while. Before quitting for the day he decided to follow the sign. He followed the sign over a couple of gullies, and also found some rubs made by a monster buck he had never seen. After the second gully he looked down in the bottom and saw his bucks white belly laying on his side. When he got down there he realized the buck was alive so he put a finishing shot into it and the work began.

It would have been an easier drag if he and Ray went on posted property they didn't have permission to be on, so being the type of bowhunters they are up the gillie they went. Straight up hill. Eight or ten yards, rest and hold on, keeping the buck from sliding back down hill. Paul fell over at least once with his back pack on and really jammed his cam in the dirt. When he got back to camp, he cleaned the mud off the cam and everything was all right. It was a lot of work for the two of them, but very worth it. It is days like this where friendships are knitted together, and you know without a doubt,


Paul and his bride Julie have both given a lot to archery. They have both shot leagues at Creekwood and won for many, many years. They have both been active on the State and National levels. They are really enjoying the Senior Games. Paul is currently the President of Rochester Bowhunters where he and Julie have both given a lot to the club. They are both truly Archery Ambassadors.