TIM FEDERICO: 10/26/08
          200 + LB 8 Point BUCK
          Scoring 121 5/8"
      NYS Big Buck Club BUCK

Tim works in a machine shop, runs his own business providing
hunting camps, cottages, or just small multi-purpose utility
. He has been a Creekwood customer I think from
almost day one.

If you have noticed a $2.00 bill stuck to the shelf in the
shop it is Tim's. A few years back he entered the contest
with a $2.00 bill and that year he was a winner. The
following year he entered the contest, entering with his
lucky $2.00 bill. Needless to say, Creekwood his remained
the owner of his lucky $2.00 bill.

At the present time, he is in second place for rack so the
famous $2.00 bill may be going home. Since he has already
entered the deer contest for 2009. 2010 and 2011 in advance,
I probably won't get it back until 2012.

He took this great buck in Victor, NY at 7:20 am. He was
shooting 100 grain Rocket broadheads. The shot was 23
yards and the buck went about 100 yards. Had he not
broken off his left brow tine, he probably would have made
Pope & Young. He could have Greg Blier, his taxidermist
fix the broken brow just like it was, because he has pictures
of the buck before he killed it. He is an extremely serious
bowhunter. Every year he is onto and hunting hard, a book
buck. His bride asked him tonight when he was going to stop
getting Whitetails mounted and his answer was never,
which is why-----