RON PENNA: 11/10/08
      165 LB 13 Point BUCK
                Scoring 124 1/8"

Ron and his hunting buddy Chris Efing made there annual
trip to Illinois where Ron took this super buck.

The first few days of the hunt were very windy, rainy and
cold. I mean, 20 to 30 mph. When Ron asked Chris how
things were going one day, Chris said, I could see more
deer hunting on the moon.

The buck had 4 7/8" of backwards sticker points. The stickers
came off the back sides of the brow tines. Roger Lowden,
Ron, Chris and myself had never seen a buck with rear guard

The gross score on the buck was 133 3/8" + the stickers is
138 2/8". What a nice buck.

Monday morning the temperature was 22 degrees and the
wind was wrong for the stand Ron wanted to hunt and he
decided to hunt it anyway. This was very out of character
for Ron. He said, as the sun came out the wind began to
switch. After 10 minutes of sunshine the wind was perfect
and 45 minutes later at 7:24 am he made the perfect
quartering away 18 yard shot with his Razorcap 125 grain

The buck went about 50 yards a disappeared over a knoll
which turned out to be a 20' deep ravine where the buck
died. Ron had a couple clients from his charter business
hunting nearby who helped them get the buck out of the
gully. The weather was turning stinky again raining buckets
with wind to boot and Chris said his "FUN METER was
PEGGED", so they came back home early.

Bad weather is no fun when your on a hunt that you have
looked forward to all year, but all in all ------


Especially when you come in and pick up the cabbage.

A bad day hunting is better than a great day at work. Ron
also took two other deer hunting in the southern tier. One
he gave to the landowner and the other to a friend. He will
be hunting opening day of gun season with his bow. This
guy loves to bowhunt. He is my hero.