ISAAC NOWAK: 10/29/08
          133 1/2 LB 8 Point BUCK
          Scoring 87 1/8"

2008 is Isaac's 3rd year hunting and this is his 1st bow
deer. LIFE  IS  GOOD ! What a sweet buck to start your
bowhunting career off with.

The first two years he harvested two deer with a muzzle
loader. He hunts with his dad Frank and usually it's just
in the morning because of there time restraints. He hunts
with 100 grain G5 Striker broadheads. He took this buck
in the Town of Sweden at 7:45 am. It was a quartering away
moving shot and he got a great hit on it. You could take my
first 8 point rack, put it inside Isaak's and have a lot of room
left over. At the present time Isaak has two 1st places in the
contest, so you Young Adults know what you have to beat.


Especially when you pick up the cabbage.