CHRIS FLUGEL: 11/26/08
          174 1/2 LB - 9 Point GUN BUCK
         Scoring 148 3/8"

Chris and his twin brother Ben have been hunting 9 years
and this is Chris's first buck.

He had a shot at it in bow season and sent an arrow over
it's back.

Ben had seen it also but it was to far away for a bow shot.

The buck had 5" bases, a 16 3/8" inside spread, main beams
22" and 22 2/8" and 9 1/8", 9 4/8", 10 6/8", 11 6/8" and 4 7/8"
tines plus brows 5 6/8" and 6 6/8". What an awesome animal.

His brother Ben was putting on a drive. If there younger brother
Justin had done what he was told to do, he may have had a poke
at it. A 10 yard shot with a 12 gauge was no problem for Chris.

He is going to have Greg Blier mount it. This is what
it is all about. Dad's face tells the whole story.