ALEX  SIMON : 11/09/07
          159 lb 8 Point 94 5/8" BUCK

Alex went on a whitetail hunt in Illinois six or seven years
ago, shot a nice buck and came back just a little disappointed.
It was a great buck for NYS, but for Illinois it was smaller than
he was hoping for.

That Ford light bulb came on and he decided to go traditional.
He purchased a couple of Northwind bows from us and
eventually became friends with Jerry Fegal the owner of
Northwind Traditional Bows, which I have sold for probably
eight years.

He thought to himself, what can I do to make a kill more
meaningful and rewarding. You looking at a buck killed with
an Osage longbow he made, shooting a carbon arrow he also

A year or two later he started making his own bows.

He became a life member of NY Bowhunters and has been
very involved in that organization and the bowhunting sport
in our state.

This season Alex said, "I have been very lucky". I myself don't
believe that it's luck. He shoots all the time and this practice,
practice, practice is paying off for him. 

This season he killed a raccoon, then a doe with the same arrow,
(his lucky arrow) and today he took this nice 8 point but this time
his lucky arrow broke in half.

It was a 14 yard shot and the buck went 60 yards. He was
hunting in Rush, NY and took the buck with a 225 grain E
broadhead at 7:05 am. I didn't ask him how much his arrows
weighed, but I bet they are close if not more than my 640 grain
hunting arrows. If all our bowhunters were like Alex, we would
have a much cleaner sport.